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Member Since: Dec 15, 2022
(403) 627-3156
962 Saint John Avenue Box 159
Pincher Creek , Alberta T0K 1W0
Pincher Creek , Alberta T0K 1W0
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1348 Scott Avenue
1348 Scott Avenue is zoned Transitional/Urban Reserve (TUR) to provide an interim land use classification for lands adjoining the built-up area of the town, which may be subdivided and developed for urban uses in the future, but are presently essentially agricultural or unurbanized. Key Terms and Conditions Offer: All offers are to be submitted using the Town of Pincher Creek Buyer’s Application Form available on the Town of Pincher Creek’s website at Reservations: The land is being sold on an “as is”, “as zoned” basis. The Town of Pincher Creek reserves the right to recieve and review multiple offers and shall do so as objectively and quickly as possible, and reserves the right at its sole discretion to approve or reject any offer or modify the terms of the approval of any offer. Deposit: Deposit shall be ten percent (10%) of the purchase price due upon signing the Town’s formal Sale Agreement. Local improvement tax: The property has an outstanding Local Improvement Tax as per Bylaw 1619-18 in the amount of $41,160.04 with an option of a twenty (20) year amortization of yearly principal and interest payments in the amount of $3,625.48. Closing date: Subject to the Town of Pincher Creek approval(s), the closing date of the sale shall be subject to negotiations and Town of Pincher Creek approval. Final agreement: The final Sale Agreement shall be in accordance with the Town of Pincher Creek Property Purchase Policy 603-06 and the minimum standard of development. Municipal approval: All offers are subject to receipt of the required Town of Pincher Creek approvals. Additional information: It is recommended that applicants review the following: TUR - Transitional/Urban Reserve Northeast Pincher Creek ASP<br
TUR - Transitional/Urban Reserve
TUR - Transitional/Urban Reserve
Legal Plan
Plan 0614431 Block 1 Lot 4
Plan 0614431 Block 1 Lot 4
Lot Size (Sq. Ft.)
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